Talkback 2016
Love | Loss | Hope | Corruption

January 2016
Directed by Suzanne Gorman
Javed, a victim of Bacha Bazi (Afghan slang for homosexual pederasty) is temporarily left in the care of a Khawaja Sara household by his ‘owner’, an Afghan Warlord, where he finds friendship and stability. The Khawaja Sara community – the ‘third’ gender or ‘shemale’ – is both revered and avoided in Pakistan. Javed’s future is put to the test when his owner comes to reclaim him…
Directed by Shona Morris
Every day is different and new for Preet. And every day is a constant worry for her daughter Simran. Living with the pain of loss in a troubled past is hard enough. Living with the loss of the present and the effects of dementia makes it even harder.
Directed by Janet Steel
Personal passions become intertwined with international diplomacy when an exiled Pakistani politician arrested for money laundering is brought to a London police station. Hilarious complications arise with the arrival of a reporter, her mother, the wife of the politician and the Attorney General who happens to be the father of the sergeant.
Directed by Poonam Brah
Jamil and Areeb are enraged by local racist attacks and join in counter protests. Jamil’s father is vehemently against their actions, pleading for him to stay out of trouble as he prepares for university but when Jamil meets a veteran local activist, the real reasons his father has rejected protest are revealed.
Directed by Janet Steel
An Asian mother waits to meet her estranged son on the wedding day of his daughter who she has never met. As the play moves back in time it explores how the close bonds they once shared were severed two decades earlier when the son’s choice to marry a black woman was rejected. Can they overcome the pain and secrets of the past?
Directed by Shona Morris
Nadia is a cricket-obsessed eleven-year-old in rural Pakistan. M’Bilia Bel is a single devout Christian in the Congo. Catherine is a headmistress of a private school in England. Three monologues intertwine to explore the subject of paedophilia from the point of view of the victim, witness and perpetrator.
Directed by Shona Morris
What happens when someone reappears and pokes around the cold embers of your bitter separation? Does it rekindle fury long buried but never fully extinguished? Can Durga and Vishnu ever fully put their long-dead marriage to rest or each time they look ahead, will they catch a glimpse of their past?
Directed by Janet Steel
Bombings, shootings, beheadings, planes going down; newspaper articles, blogs, tweets, 24-hour news… All she wants is silence. Then Yusuf turns up at her door uninvited. Pat hasn’t been out since the news, and now, of course, she can’t go out – can she? She’s done something that can’t be undone. They’re in this together…
Directed by Helena Bell
Design by Sophie Lovel Smith
Lighting by Jai Morjaria
Anoukh is a tourist guide who loves maps. She can find her way to anywhere but cannot find herself. She thinks Jules might have the answers. Jules wants to reclaim the mixed-race daughter she was compelled to give up by the Catholic church. They are strangers to each other yet so much is familiar. As they try to confront the injustices of the past and negotiate a minefield of emotions, they hear news which threatens to tear this fragile relationship apart.
Directed by Trilby James
Design by Sophie Lovel Smith
Lighting by Jai Morjaria
Denny has recently returned home from serving in Afghanistan. He is now the gatehouse keeper of a psychiatric hospital. Late one night, he receives an unexpected visit from an intriguing stranger. She is easy to talk to but is she the person she seems to be? At a time of global uncertainty, Stateless merges contemporary political issues with a personal story.
11 – 23 January 7.30pm
Tristan Bates Theatre
1A Tower St London WC2H 9NP