Sweets and Chocolates
by Shazia Ashraf

May - June 2016
Gielgud Theatre
The play introduces us to Nadia, a cricket-obsessed young Pakistani girl, M’Bilia, a devout churchgoer in the Congo and Catherine, the headmistress of an English private school. Using text, movement and music, the play explores the effects of child abuse on these otherwise unconnected lives to ask questions about the abuse of power and the need to speak the truth.
Sweets and Chocolates was developed through Kali’s Writer Development Programme and was presented as a reading at Talkback in January 2016.

‘For me theatre should be something that challenges us and allows us to ask questions and begin conversations. Paedophilia is evidently a difficult subject to discuss on a public platform, but if we don’t converse how are we going to make any changes?’
Shazia Ashraf
RADA, George Bernard Shaw (GBS) Theatre
Malet Street, London, WC1E 7JN
June 23rd – July 1st, 2016
Pre-show discussion (with ticket only): Thursday, June 27