My Daughter’s Trial
by Gulshanah Choudhuri (Jabine Chaudri)

April 2013
UK Tour
Parveen, an ambitious young Muslim barrister will do anything to keep her clients from losing their liberty. But what if it is your own mother that needs locking up for her own safety? Parveen has found the man of her dreams but can she hold on to him and her career when she is losing her mother and her grip on reality? As Parveen struggles with the conflict between her professional life as a barrister and her family duty as a daughter, something will have to give…
Writer Gulshanah Choudhuri

Sadly Gulshanah passed away from cancer shortly after her first play, My Daughter’s Trial was presented by Kali. This is her biography from that time: Jabine Chaudri is the writer pseudonym for Gulshanah Choudhuri who is a special needs education law barrister practising in Winchester and London. In 2008 she won a national BBC writing initiative called […]
About the writer

This unique, site-specific new play was presented in atmospheric courtrooms and chambers where audiences could witness the actions of both the defendant and Parveen and judge for themselves who really was on trial.
8 – 25 April
Brown’s Courtrooms
82-84 St Martin’s Ln London WC2
4 – 6 April
Senate Chamber
Aston Webb Building
26 – 27 April
Council Chamber
Town Hall Square Leicester
19 – 20 April
Sea City Courtroom
Havelock Rd, Southampton