HOME Plays
Five new plays exploring, challenging and reimagining the concept of HOME

Autumn 2021
HOME was a week of script-in-hand performances of five cutting-edge new plays exploring, challenging and reimagining our idea of ‘home’. HOME was performed at Tara Arts.
Four established playwrights alongside an innovative writer from our DISCOVERY programme ask what it means to call Britain ‘home’ in 2021 from the unique perspective of female writers with a South Asian background.

When The Fire’s Gone Out
by Naylah Ahmed
Director / Dramaturg – Helena Bell
Cast – Connie Hyde, Devesh Kishore, Oliver Longstaff and Rita Wolf
Two mothers, disparate, yet inextricably connected. When the Fire’s Gone Out examines the impact of terrorism abroad and its legacy at home
Tuesday 12 October, 7pm

by Alia Bano
Director / Dramaturg – Tessa Walker
Cast -Shireen Farkhoy, Hal Geller, Ravneet Sehra, Avin Shah and Katy Stephens
When Sara Khan decides to defend a woman who travelled to Syria to support IS, the tensions within her marriage and family rise to the surface. Inspired by the political debate around the Shamima Begum case, Stateless asks – What is a citizen? How do we determine who belongs and who doesn’t? Who has a right to call the UK ‘home’?
Wednesday 13 October, 7pm

Empire of the Mind
by Satinder Chohan
Director – Poonam Brah
Dramaturg – Fin Kennedy
Cast – Goldy Notay, Owen Oakeshott, Krupa Pattani, Aryana Ramkhalawon and Peter Singh
‘Empires of the future will be empires of the mind’ Winston Churchill
Empire of the Mind conjures a 20th century colonial island past and its fallout in a 21st century psychotic British present
Thursday 14 October, 7pm

King Troll
by Sonali Bhattacharyya
Director – Milli Bhatia
Dramaturg – Nic Wass
Cast – Karan Gill, Aysha Kala, Shazia Nicolls and Sakuntala Ramanee
A dystopian tale about the corrosive effect of the all too real Hostile Environment against migrants on two sisters. How do we dismantle the master’s house?
Friday 15 October, 7pm

DISCOVERY Saturday: The Sweet Flood
by Maeve Scullion
Director – Helena Bell
Dramaturg – Penny Gold
Cast – Chris Clynes, Safiyya Ingar and Raagni Sharma
Desperate for a distraction from global warming and the destruction of our planet, environmentalist Riya maps out new territory with her lover Avanti. A story of love, sexuality and an empowered desire to save the world.
Saturday 16 October, 4.30pm
Director and Dramaturg – Helena Bell
Two mothers, disparate, yet inextricably connected. When the Fire’s Gone Out examines the impact of terrorism abroad and its legacy at home
From the writer, Naylah Ahmed:
‘I wanted to explore the fall out of contrasting losses; a life suddenly taken by a horrific, terrorist act, and one taken by a targeted government drone. What happens when the news dies down but two obliterated bodies still remain? How do those left behind deal with such loss?’ The answers to such questions resulted in this play.’
Director and Dramaturg – Tessa Walker
Following the Shamima Begum case, Stateless asks – What is a citizen? How do we determine who belongs and who doesn’t? Who has a right to call the UK ‘home’?
From the writer, Alia Bano:
‘I wanted to tell the story of an average UK Muslim family and how the fallout from the discussion surrounding the Shamima Begum case affects their psyche and the position it leads them to take. This story is urgent, it raises questions about the effect of fear on a society and how that affects our decisions, and asks what are our responsibilities as a global citizen?’
Director – Poonam Brah
Dramaturg – Fin Kennedy
‘Empires of the future will be empires of the mind’ Winston Churchill
Empire of the Mind conjures a 20th century colonial island past and its fallout in a 21st century psychotic British present
From the writer, Satinder Chohan:
‘This play explores the darker side of imperial history involving the ruthless pursuit of power and profit as it subjugated and exploited people of colour the world over. Through psychologies and dreams, the play explores the colonising processes, conflicts and crimes through characters who morph via generational incarnations into the present.’
Director – Milli Bhatia
Dramaturg – Nic Wass
A dystopian tale about the corrosive effect of the all too real Hostile Environment against migrants on two sisters. How do we dismantle the master’s house?
From the writer, Sonali Bhattacharyya:
‘King Troll is about sisters, Riya and Nikita, as they navigate the increasingly authoritarian island they call home. It is about the troll that lives in all of us – the one who whispers for us to take short cuts, to sell our people down the river, to get ahead. Who whispers ‘me, not us’, and definitely ‘me first.’
Director – Helena Bell
Dramaturg – Penny Gold
Desperate for a distraction from global warming and the destruction of our planet, environmentalist Riya maps out new territory with her lover Avanti. A story of love, sexuality and an empowered desire to save the world.
Home Plays Production Team
Designer Helen Coyston
Lighting Designer Tanya Stephenson
Video Designer Louise Rhoades-Brown
Sound Designer Dinah Mullen
Production Manager Alex Ralls
Dramaturgs Helena Bell, Penny Gold, Fin Kennedy, Tessa Walker and Nic Wass