Their Period
by Gayathiri Kamalakanthan

Summer 2023
Stoke on Trent Back to the Bone Festival
Their Period is an answer to the question – What would it look like to queer a period party? Tamil period parties are ceremonies for people who’ve just started their periods. The event signals survival and post-genocide stability but it can also be rooted in a colonial denial of transness.
Back to the Bone is a festival of different art forms celebrating womanhood and the menstrual cycle. There will be an exhibition, a series of Menstrual Cycle Awareness Workshops and live performances from 7.30pm.
Writer Gayathiri Kamalakanthan

Gayathiri is a Tamil theatre-maker and poet. Their work explores how language shapes adolescence and how we might use it to queer the future. Gayathiri won the Disabled Poets Prize 2024, the Faber & Andlyn Publisher’s Prize 2022 and the Primadonna Fiction Prize 2021. Gayathiri runs Queering Lit, a workshop series on the business of writing for queer […]
About the writer